Chrissy Quimby - I am Here to Help You Survive!

Chrissy Quimby - I am Here to Help You Survive!
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Water - Everyone should know this!


Everyone needs Water!

Did you know that when you drink water too fast your body does not absorb most of it. It acts as a flush to your organs. Also when
you drink water that is too cold or hot, this is very hard on the kidneys and liver.....

Don't spend tons of money on a fancy water system.  In order too get water that is PH balanced you can use fresh lemon which also gives you tons of potassium and energy.  Also you can use sea salt (Pink Himalayan Sea Salt is best)  a small pinch in your water is just as effective for balancing the PH of your water. Either of these ways is beneficial to you and will allow your body to absorb more and hydrate your cells.

If you are interested in products that will feed your cells and act as a superfood to your body check this site out.........