Chrissy Quimby - I am Here to Help You Survive!

Chrissy Quimby - I am Here to Help You Survive!
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Acidic to Alkaline

Restore your Alkalinity,  Here is how!

The Ideal pH of the body is in between 7.4 and 7.6. If you want a strong healthy
body and immune system, this is the staple of ultimate health. When in an acidic
state diseases and debilitating conditions from the toxic overload produced impares
and weekens our systems.

When you restore your pH the body can restore itself allowing you to have so much
 more energy and better health....

Everyone has yeast and fungi in their bodies which multiplies and thrives in an acidic
environment. These two culprits release large amounts of mycotoxins into the body
which will weeken and impare your body from toxic overload causing disease to manifest
and debilitating conditions to take over.....

Steps to follow to Restore your Alkalinity

1. MONITOR your diet.
                Stay clear of foods which promote fungus and yeast to grow, such as-
                              Dairy products
                              Pickled or Malted products

   Just because a food is considered acidic on the outside doesn't mean that they are acidic once inside your body. After being digested most will convert and become highly alkaline. This is also true if a food is alkaline on the outside such as meats, they become acidic on the inside.

                          Consuming 4 alkaline foods for every acidic food is rule of thumb.

                         Alkaline foods (You need more of these)
                                  Green Vegtables
                                  Yellow Vegtables
                                  Whole nuts in shell
Also avoid using antibiotics which kill off the healthy bacteria in your body, leaving the mycotoxins that form yeast and fungi behind.

If you truly want to learn a fast effective way to become pH balanced and get results
you may want to take the 7 day challenge and find out how others are discovering
health and healing in their bodies by going to

Symptoms of an Acidic body include:

Fatigue- very low energy
Unexplained joint aches and pains
excess weight
Easily suseptible to illness
Unbalanced blood sugar
Urinary tract infections
Rectal Itch
Vaginal Itch
Irritability? mood swings

90% or greater of our population are living in an acidic environment. The body can not have disease or pain if you balance your pH. Please go to and find out what you can be doing right now in your health and life to feel better and make some changes.