Chrissy Quimby - I am Here to Help You Survive!

Chrissy Quimby - I am Here to Help You Survive!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Health Issues, Nutrition and Fitness (Natures Way): Kidney Stones And Acid Balance

Health Issues, Nutrition and Fitness (Natures Way): Kidney Stones And Acid Balance

Kidney Stones And Acid Balance

The kidneys function as more than just a process to xcrete
nitrogenous waste. They conserve water and maintaining
a water-salt balance and acid-base balance in the blood. This
process is highly controlled by the kidneys in that it will pick
and choose what is retained or excreted.

The kidneys may excrete something as waste and in the next
second they may retain it.

The kidneys are primary organs of homeostasis. If the
blood does not have the usual water-salt (electrolyte) balance,
the blood volume and blood pressure are also affected.
Without adequate blood pressure, glomerular filtration in the
kidneys and exchanges across the capillary walls can not take
place.The body requires several minerals and trace minerals that
are essential in the formation and processes of the cells and body
fluids. The body contains more than 5 grams of each major mineral
and less than 5 grams (about a teaspoon) for each trace mineral. The
body also requires vitamins, but if the body gets the minerals it requires
it can make most of the vitamins it needs.

Sodium regulates the body's water balance along with chloride. It is only
recommended that a person takes in 500 mg of sodium daily. The average
Americans consume 4,000 mg or more of sodium daily. Magnesium is also
important to the functioning of enzymes.

Most people are taking in too much or not enough of the amounts of
minerals and trace minerals they need. This can lead to mineral imbalances
in the body and when there is an imbalance, the body is usually highly acidic
which in turn sets the stage for disease and problems in the body such as
kidney stones.

If the body is alkaline there can be
no pain and there would be no disease.
Refer back to PH Balancing.

For in depth details and information on Kidney Stones and or
how to treat them, by reading the information located here

Here is where all of your questions will be answered. This is some
of the best most detailed information you will find on the internet. 

Also just a reminder on  how important and easy it is to balance
your pH.  Information on balancing your pH may be found in other
blogs I have created for you or for faster information please visit

For further details you may want to visit
Survival Safe Newsletter.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stress the #1 Silent Killer. How to change this!

Stress is highly acidic to your body.
It is considered to be the #1 Silent killer of all times.

Many people mindlessly keep living their lives having no clue
how toxic stress really is to their bodies or that they are
even living with stress. Stress is caused by mental and
emotional issues, it can be caused physically, or
by any environmental situations you live in.

Stress is the number #1 killer of disease in our world.

It affects our brain and nervous system in several ways,
our skin, heart, stomach, pancreas, intestines, reproductive
system and definently our immune systems.

With all of this our autonomic nervous system is overloaded.
As our stress increases we produce excess adrenaline and cortisol
that carries our autonomic nervous system into the Sympathetic stage
and when it is overloaded turns on our fight or flight mode.

In this mode our bodies tend to respond by loosing functions it
would otherwise carry out normally if it was in para-sympathetic
mode. Your pupils dialate, it inhibits salivation, stimultes glucose
released by liver, secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine from
the kidneys, relaxes the bladder, and contracts the rectum.

Our Para-sympathetic nervous system is designed  to give
all systems of our bodies directions to work properly, this is
when it is in rest & amp; digest mode. In this mode the systems
of our bodies are then able to complete normal everyday functions
such as stimulating digestion, stimulating the gallbladder and contracting
it, inhibits heart beat, stimulates salivation, constricts pupils, restfull sleep,
breathing, constricting bronchi, relaxing rectum, and most normal everyday
activites to stay in balance.

Newsweek magazine reports that heart disease, ulcers, sleeping disorders,
memory loss and obesity are all stress related.

Stress affects the body in several ways. There is good stress and bad stress. 
The body always responds to stress no matter how low or high, good or bad it
may be. Stress may cause depression, nervousness, lack of energy, irritability,
emotional problems, memory problems, diarrhea or constipation, acid reflux
disease, acne, hives, eating disorders, nausea, weight gain, muscle tension and
pain, joint pain, stomach pain, atherosclerosis, migranes hypertension, sleep
deprivation, chronic fatique, reduced sexual desire, and many other problems
throughout the body.

In order to take care and balance your stress you may find that a combination
of exercise, water, and nutrition make a big difference in your stress levels.
If you need something to give you a boost in your life, I have searched several
thousands of products to find the products that actually deliver results.

You may find it very beneficial to search to
and look up Ketones, Better Broth, Keto Kreme and you will learn that there are products on
the market really do make a difference.

Remember communication is an important step to learning and growing in life and health.

I love to hear your questions and coments. Please ask me anything. I would love to help. Thanks for reading!

Chrissy Quimby

Friday, July 23, 2010

Acidic to Alkaline

Restore your Alkalinity,  Here is how!

The Ideal pH of the body is in between 7.4 and 7.6. If you want a strong healthy
body and immune system, this is the staple of ultimate health. When in an acidic
state diseases and debilitating conditions from the toxic overload produced impares
and weekens our systems.

When you restore your pH the body can restore itself allowing you to have so much
 more energy and better health....

Everyone has yeast and fungi in their bodies which multiplies and thrives in an acidic
environment. These two culprits release large amounts of mycotoxins into the body
which will weeken and impare your body from toxic overload causing disease to manifest
and debilitating conditions to take over.....

Steps to follow to Restore your Alkalinity

1. MONITOR your diet.
                Stay clear of foods which promote fungus and yeast to grow, such as-
                              Dairy products
                              Pickled or Malted products

   Just because a food is considered acidic on the outside doesn't mean that they are acidic once inside your body. After being digested most will convert and become highly alkaline. This is also true if a food is alkaline on the outside such as meats, they become acidic on the inside.

                          Consuming 4 alkaline foods for every acidic food is rule of thumb.

                         Alkaline foods (You need more of these)
                                  Green Vegtables
                                  Yellow Vegtables
                                  Whole nuts in shell
Also avoid using antibiotics which kill off the healthy bacteria in your body, leaving the mycotoxins that form yeast and fungi behind.

If you truly want to learn a fast effective way to become pH balanced and get results
you may want to take the 7 day challenge and find out how others are discovering
health and healing in their bodies by going to

Symptoms of an Acidic body include:

Fatigue- very low energy
Unexplained joint aches and pains
excess weight
Easily suseptible to illness
Unbalanced blood sugar
Urinary tract infections
Rectal Itch
Vaginal Itch
Irritability? mood swings

90% or greater of our population are living in an acidic environment. The body can not have disease or pain if you balance your pH. Please go to and find out what you can be doing right now in your health and life to feel better and make some changes.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Water - Everyone should know this!


Everyone needs Water!

Did you know that when you drink water too fast your body does not absorb most of it. It acts as a flush to your organs. Also when
you drink water that is too cold or hot, this is very hard on the kidneys and liver.....

Don't spend tons of money on a fancy water system.  In order too get water that is PH balanced you can use fresh lemon which also gives you tons of potassium and energy.  Also you can use sea salt (Pink Himalayan Sea Salt is best)  a small pinch in your water is just as effective for balancing the PH of your water. Either of these ways is beneficial to you and will allow your body to absorb more and hydrate your cells.

If you are interested in products that will feed your cells and act as a superfood to your body check this site out.........

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The biggest mistake most people make in Natural Health


There are actually a few big mistakes that most people make. 

For instance, if you are interested in taking supplements to benefit your health, unless it is a whole food or a true food you should never take more than five supplements at a time.

Secondly, many people seem to think they will become healthy overnight and want a quick fix to their problems.... Wrong........  Your body was intended to heal itself naturally that is if you give it what it needs to heal.... Believe in the power you have within yourself.....  Also, your body didn't just happen to get a disease overnight it actually takes 20 years of abuse or not taking care of it to be in a diseased state.

Many people I see come to me with suite cases of pills and herbs they are taking. Anything you take beyond those five supplements are going to become toxic to your body or your body will get rid of them.......

Many people end up with more problems than they started with when they are on so many pills and potions. Your body was never meant to have these things in large quanities. Remember a little goes a long way. Spend your money wisely!

Don't become overwhelmed with what is out there..... Give the supplements you are taking plenty of time in your body to notice a difference...... 

I suggest at least 3 months and if you are not seeing a difference your body may need more or not need it at all depending on how you feel!

Also remember to drink plenty of fresh water daily so you body can flush properly! to get the water that will benfit you the most and find out
what you don't know.